miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013



The cuisine of the city is diverse, it is possible to find in Medellin typical restaurants, international and specialized in different places in the city. The main sectors where a variety of restaurants are: avenida las Palmas, avenida el Poblado, La calle de la Buena Mesa.

As for the typical dishes of Medellin and Antioquia can highlight the Bandeja Paisa

which is a set of preparations includes: beans, rice, pork, ground beef, sausage, fried egg, slice of ripe banana, corn bread, salad and avocado.

It is also very traditional arepa paisa consuming, is made with cooked corn, ground and kneaded. The usual thing is to accompany it with butter and salt, but also, with avocado, cheese, hogao, ground meats, etc.

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